ENGL 468 - 20th-Century and Contemporary British Literature

The Best Database for Literature

A good place to search for scholarly articles is Literature Online (LiOn) as it is devoted to literature and criticism. It contains records for the MLA International Bibliography (MLAIB) and the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL). LiOn also links to articles from Project MUSE and JSTOR

To search LiOn go to the Criticism link on the database's home page. Then select the "All Criticism." Start your search with key words and possibly a subject like a title. Try various searches until you get results you can use. You may also want to limit the publication date, source type, and whether or not you only want to view records with full text. If you do not limit to full text you may need to use Interlibrary Services (directions on the right). If you need more help with searching try the Help link in the upper right corner or contact a librarian. 

Database Tips and Tools

When viewing a record in a database you should have several options to help organize your research. 

Often you can create an account in the database and save articles to an archive. When you sign in you can view all your saved articles (to create an account in LiOn go to the My Archive link on the home page). You can also email yourself the record or full text. If in doubt about an article's usefulness just email it to yourself so you will have it if you need it. Other tools include saving the permalink and sending or downloading the citation. Below are the options for LiOn but other databases will have similar tools. 

Interlibrary Services

We don't own it?

Interlibrary Services (ILS) is available to request books, articles, and other items.  Often the Rapido link is provided directly in the database and is the easiest way to submit a request.  Follow the "Get it from another library" link or visit the InterLibrary Loan Services Page and click "Submit InterLibrary Loan Request" button. Use the form to complete your request.

To learn more about the Rapido and ILS services, view the ILS library news announcement 

Meriam Library | CSU, Chico