The directory allows you to search for current and former members of Congress (1774-present) by name, position, or state. Information includes birth and death dates, education, employment, and election history.
A record of positions and votes of all members of Congress. This site intends to be a voting guide by providing enough information about elected representatives to help you make an informed choice.
U.S. legislative information on members of Congress, voting records and publications including The Congressional Record, Federal Register, and Role Call. Legislative histories are available 1970-present; key votes in Congress 1987-present; committee reports 1990-present; bill text 1989-present.
Full text of federal and state court cases, laws and regulations; legal periodicals and encyclopedias; European Union legal documents; and legal guides and information for pre-law students. Note: many functions of Westlaw will only function properly if you disable any pop-up blocker. For example, printing may not work if a pop-up blocker is active.
Explores a single hot issue in the news in depth each week. Covers topics in health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the economy.
Collection of historical U.S. documents including all the Federalist Papers by Madison, Jay, and Hamilton, the Bill of Rights and Documents from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention, 1774-1789.
From the University of California - Santa Barbara, Historic Presidential Election Party Platforms, only provides platforms for parties receiving electoral votes in the general election. (1840- )
Bigraphical and issue information about women in American politics. Examples include gender gap and voting patterns, winners and losers in the 2000 election, and women-focused interest groups.