If you already have obtained a citation for an article there are several ways to find the full text.
1. First try typing the article title into OneSearch. if we have the journal, the article should show up with either a link to the full text or a call number which will lead you to the print copy in the library.
2. If you can't find your article through OneSearch, go to Journals by Title under the Quick Links on the Library Web page and type in the Journal Title (not the title of the article). If the Library has that journal it will bring up a page that will tell you what the call number is, or give you links to access the article online. Be sure to check the dates of coverage for the print and the online to make sure we have the year you are looking for.
3. If it turns out the library does not subscribe to the journal you need, you can request the article through Interlibrary Services Select Interlibrary Services under Quick Links on the Homepage. The first time you use Interlibrary Services you will have to set up an account. After that it is fast and easy.