BIOL 371 - Microbiology

Introduction to the biology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms, as well as viruses.

Interlibrary Services (ILS)

Interlibrary Services (ILS) allows you to request items not available from the Meriam Library. The service is quick, easy to use, and almost always free. 

To use the system, you must first set up an account. Notifications about items are delivered to your email address. Remember you must save any electronically delivered documents as ILS clears them from your account after 30 days. For more information please see ILS FAQs.

Link Google Scholar to Meriam Library

To utilize the full potential of Google Scholar link it to Meriam Library. By doing this you can see if the library has the items you want (Find It @ Chico) and if not you can go directly to ILS. To link to the Meriam Library follow the below steps:

1. Once in Google Scholar, go to My Profile at the top left of the page.

2. Enter your Chico State email address

3. You will be redirected to login to your portal account to verify library access.

Meriam Library | CSU, Chico