Citing Sources -- APA 7th ed.

About this guide

The 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association offers many changes over the 6th edition. Visit Scribbr to see an overview of the most notable changes.

This guide provides quick and easy access to common examples of APA 7th ed. references for various formats. Please see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for an expanded list of reference examples. If you're looking for more information covering how to write a paper according to APA style, see More Info below.

Citations consist of two elements:

  • A quick note in the text of your paper anytime you use an existing source of information.  The "in-text citations" tab to the left shows you how to include a note in the text of your paper when you use a source.
  • A complete list of the sources you used appears at the end of your paper.  The tabs to the left will show you how to format citations of many different sources in your list of references.  General guidelines on how you present a your list of references include:
    • Reference list starts on a new page. Type the word "References" centered at the top of the page.
    • Double-space all reference list entries
    • The first line of each reference is set at the left margin and subsequent lines are indented ½ inch
    • Arrange alphabetically, not by format (book, journal, etc)

Please see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for further info.  The library has one copy of the Manual in the Ready Reference section on the second floor of the library.

More Info

Purdue OWL APA Style Guide  - This guide goes into detail on how to write a paper according to APA style.

APA Style and Grammar Guidelines - APA's own online guide covers everything from formatting a paper and using bias-free language, to grammar and citing references.

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