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Summer 2022: Library Access: Home


The physical library will not be open to patrons from May 23-August 22, 2022.

The library is getting new carpet this summer and therefore the floors will be closed and items on floors 2-4 will not be available.

Items can be requested from other libraries and picked up throughout the summer. Online databases and articles are unaffected.


Pick-up and drop-off technology items

8 AM- 5 PM Monday-Thursday (Locker pick-up is 24/7)

Ask us! Virtual Reference: 24/7

Database and Article Access: Databases A-Z

Library Materials

We will not have access to the library stacks for the summer. Physical will need to be requested from other libraries.


Books: Request through OneSearch or Interlibrary Loan

Articles: Undisrupted service through OneSearch or Online Databases


Item pick-up: Requested books, technology lending, and reserves are available for pick-up.

  • Locker pick-up 24/7, follow the instructions in the email you received.
  • Pick-up at ITSS lobby, 8-5pm Monday-Thursday

Reference and Research Help

Virtual Reference and Research Help:


Chat with us or email us!


Librarians are working virtually to assist you.

Make an appointment with a Librarian: Make a virtual appointment


Printing is not available in the main library while the library is closed.

The STAR Center has a limited number of computers for basic printing in June and July when they are staffed for students.

Request Items

To request items from OneSearch:

1. Search for your item using the search bar. Use keywords, titles, or subjects you would like to find research on.

2. For physical materials (books) click on the title and sign in.

3. Once signed request the item from another library.

Meriam Library | CSU, Chico