EndNote Basic (formerly Endnote Web)

A citation manager/utility available free only to CSU Chico students, staff, and faculty.

About EndNote Basic

EndNote is a citation organizer used to store references and display them in styles such as APA, MLA, and Chicago. Additionally, there are other free citation organizer programs, such as Zotero and  Mendeley, but this guide focuses on EndNote Basic.

References can be exported from databases into your EndNote account and arranged into groups (i.e., folders).

Getting Started

 Go to my.endnote.com and sign up for a free account.

Methods for Collecting References

There are several ways to add references to your EndNote Basic library.  Which method is best will depend on the database you are searching and the number of references you're dealing with, but many of our databases provide a convenient way to export references directly to your EndNote account. Firefox and Internet Explorer plug-ins can also work well in many cases. Here are five methods; see a few more details below for each method:

  • Export references directly from databases, such as CAB Abstracts, ERIC (EBSCO), and PsycINFO.
  • Add references from the Meriam Library Catalog search, within EndNote
  • Add references manually
  • Export references from databases using an import filter

Organize and Format References

Create Groups, or folders, to organize your references by project, course name, or other logical factor. Imported references can be placed in an Unfiled section and then moved to Groups, or they can be imported directly into particular Groups.

  1. Select the Organize tab at the top of the screen, and then select Manage My Groups.
  2. On the Manage My Groups page, you can create, rename, or delete groups. Click the New Group button at the bottom of the page to get started.

Groups can be shared with other EndNote users.

References in a particular group or all references can be machined-formatted according to particular styles such as APA, MLA, and Chicago. Formatted references should be compared against the manual for the particular style to see if corrections need to be made. 

  1. Select the Format tab in the upper part of the screen.
  2. Select Bibliography.
  3. Select the group with the references you want to format.
  4. Select the Bibliographic Style you want to use.
  5. Select the desired File format, such as rich text file.
  6. Save, Email, or Preview the formatted references.

Meriam Library | CSU, Chico