ACCT 437/537 - Federal Income Taxes

How to search in Checkpoint

Federal Tax Coordinator (FTC)

The Federal Tax Coordinator "coordinates" different types of primary documents and editorial analysis for thorough research. Thus, you can read all the related tax code, regulations, case law, and analysis at one time.

1. Be sure you are in the Federal practice area and Search tab

2. Enter keywords at the top of the screen. Use the Thesaurus/Query Tool for search tips.

3. Under Editorial materials, select"Federal Tax Coordinator" and click search. This is the most important step!

4.  On the results screen, click Analysis / Federal Tax Coordinator (RIA).

5. Results will be a list of paragraphs containing commentaries and analysis. These will include links to cases, IRS code, regulations, rulings.

6. Display your results as a list or as a topic list using the Table of Contents option  


Paragraph symbol

  What does this symbol mean? You will see it all through RIA documents.

Like other legal materials, tax law is referenced using the Paragraph system. Each Paragraph covers a specific topic and can vary in length from one line to several screens or pages.

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