ENGL 240 - Literature for Life

Using the Library Catalog

To find books and other resources available in the library, search the Meriam Library Catalog. Start with a keyword search for your subject. Look through the records for subject headings that may direct you to more information. In other words there may be subject headings that you can use to further your research. Clicking on the subject link will direct you to more titles about that subject. See the exmaple below:

For information about how to checkout or renew books please see the library's Checkout & Renew page. More information about the library is available on the library's Home page.

Online Books

To view online books in the catalog limit your search to Online Resources as seen below. The library record will also indicate if a book is online of available as a print copy in the library. 

The Library also has a collection of 80,000 ebrary ebooks covering all subjects. These books may be downloaded to your computer, Apple, or android device. Visit the ebrary database or add ebrary as a keyword in your search in the catalog.


Meriam Library | CSU, Chico